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What is Scalp Micropigmentation?

Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP) is a non-surgical cosmetic procedure that involves the application of tiny, intricately placed pigments on the scalp to replicate the appearance of closely shaved hair follicles or add density to thinning hair. It is commonly used to address hair loss, baldness, receding hairlines, and thinning hair in both men and women.

During the SMP procedure, our trained specialist uses a specialized micro-needle to deposit pigments into the upper layers of the scalp. These pigments are carefully matched to the client's natural hair color to create a realistic and seamless look. The technique involves replicating individual hair follicles, creating the illusion of a full head of hair or filling in areas with thinning hair. SMP can be used to achieve various aesthetic effects, including:


Hairline restoration: SMP can recreate a natural-looking hairline for individuals with receding hairlines or those who have lost their hairline due to baldness or other factors.


Density enhancement: By adding density to areas with thinning hair, SMP can create the appearance of thicker and fuller hair.


Scar camouflage: SMP can effectively conceal scars resulting from hair transplant procedures, accidents, or surgeries, making them less visible by blending them with the surrounding hair follicles.


Complete baldness coverage: For individuals with complete or near-complete baldness, SMP can provide the illusion of a closely shaved head or a buzz cut, giving a more defined and groomed appearance.


Scalp Micropigmentation is a customizable procedure that can be tailored to the client's desired outcome. The treatment is typically performed over multiple sessions, allowing for gradual layering and building up of pigments to achieve the desired look. The longevity of SMP varies from person to person, but it generally lasts for several years before touch-up sessions are required. It is important to consult with our qualified SMP specialist  to discuss your individual needs, expectations, and any potential risks or side effects associated with the procedure.

The Benefits of SMP treatment

Some of the benefits of having Scalp Micropigmentation include:

Hairline restoration: SMP can effectively recreate a natural-looking hairline, filling in areas where hair has receded or thinned. This can significantly improve the overall appearance and restore confidence for individuals with a receding hairline.


Fuller appearance: By adding the appearance of hair follicles to the scalp, SMP creates the illusion of denser hair. It can camouflage areas of thinning or baldness, making the hair appear fuller and thicker.


Natural results: Skilled SMP practitioners use specialized pigments and techniques to match the color, texture, and angle of your existing hair follicles. This attention to detail helps achieve realistic and natural-looking results that blend seamlessly with your remaining hair.


Non-invasive and low-maintenance: Unlike surgical hair restoration procedures, SMP does not involve incisions or the transplantation of hair follicles. It is a non-invasive treatment that requires minimal downtime. Additionally, the pigments used in SMP are designed to be long-lasting, requiring only occasional touch-ups to maintain the desired look.


Conceal scars and alopecia: SMP can effectively camouflage scars resulting from hair transplant surgeries or accidents. It can also help individuals with alopecia (an autoimmune condition causing hair loss) by creating the appearance of hair on the scalp, thereby providing a solution for those who may not be suitable candidates for other hair restoration methods.


Cost-effective: Compared to surgical hair restoration procedures, SMP is generally more affordable. While the cost can vary depending on factors like the extent of hair loss and the area to be treated, SMP is often a more accessible option for individuals seeking to improve the appearance of their hair.


Versatility: Scalp Micropigmentation can be customized to cater to different hair loss patterns and individual preferences. It can be used to create various hairstyles, including a buzz cut, a shaved head, or a short-cropped look, depending on personal style and aesthetic preferences.


Who Shouldn't have SMP?

While Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP) is generally considered a safe procedure, there are certain individuals who may not be suitable candidates. It is important to consult with our qualified SMP specialist  to assess your individual circumstances. Here are some factors that may disqualify someone from undergoing SMP:


Active skin conditions: Individuals with active skin conditions on the scalp, such as psoriasis, eczema, or dermatitis, may not be suitable candidates for SMP.

These conditions can affect the healing process and the longevity of the pigments. It is generally recommended to have the scalp condition under control before considering SMP.

Unstable hair loss: SMP is most effective for individuals with stable hair loss patterns. If your hair loss is still progressing rapidly or the cause of your hair loss is unknown, it is advisable to consult a medical professional or hair loss specialist to determine the underlying cause and stabilize the condition before considering SMP.

Recent hair transplant surgery: If you have recently undergone a hair transplant procedure, it is generally recommended to wait until the scalp has fully healed and the transplanted hair has grown before considering SMP. This allows for proper evaluation of the transplant results and ensures that the SMP pigments do not interfere with the healing process.

Allergies or sensitivities to pigments: Some individuals may have allergies or sensitivities to the pigments used in SMP. Prior to the procedure, it is important to discuss any known allergies or sensitivities with the SMP specialist to avoid potential adverse reactions.

Pregnancy or breastfeeding: It is generally advised to avoid SMP during pregnancy or while breastfeeding, as the safety of the procedure in these situations has not been extensively studied. It is best to consult with a healthcare professional before considering SMP during this time.

Blood clotting disorders: Individuals with blood clotting disorders or those taking blood-thinning medications may need to avoid SMP, as it involves micro-needling of the scalp. This is to minimize the risk of excessive bleeding or other complications during the procedure.

Unrealistic expectations: It is important to have realistic expectations about the outcome of SMP. While SMP can provide the appearance of a shaven or buzz-cut hairstyle and address certain hair loss concerns, it is not a cure for baldness or a replacement for natural hair.

It is crucial to have a thorough consultation with our qualified SMP specialist who can assess your suitability for the procedure based on your specific circumstances, medical history, and expectations. They can provide personalized advice and guidance to ensure that SMP is appropriate for you.

First step is to schedule a consultation with our qualified SMP practitioner Nick. During this consultation, you can discuss your goals, concerns, and expectations. Nick will assess your scalp, hair loss pattern, and skin tone to determine the most suitable approach for your SMP treatment. Each session typically lasts a few hours, and there is usually a gap of a few weeks between sessions to allow the scalp to heal and the pigment to settle. 




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